Windows 10 1803 Update Can Cause Internal Audio Errors with PowerMic/other USB Microphones

Dragon Medical Practice Edition

A number of our customers have been affected by the Windows 10 version 1803 and 1903 UPDATES.
After updating Windows 10 to version 1803, some customers have reported that the PowerMic and other USB microphones while being detected, did not respond when turning the microphone on in Dragon Medical.


In order to correct this issue, it’s recommended to enable the microphone in your Privacy settings using these steps:

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Click on Privacy.
  3. Click on Microphone.
  4. Turn on the Allow apps to access your microphone toggle switch.
  5. Turn on the Allow desktop apps to access your microphone switch.
  1. After completing the steps, check the list and enable microphone access for the apps you want, if they are currently disabled.

In the case where this feature isn’t enabled, click the Change button and turn on the toggle switch. To learn more and to keep current with the lastest service pack for Dragon Medical look here:


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