Olympus Dictation App v2 & ODDS (Olympus Dictation Delivery Service)

Olympus recently released an update for their iOS and Android apps to v2.0. This has caused some confusion, so in this blog we will detail the changes for users.

Free App – Email audio only users

Some customers were using the free app, to record and then send recorded audio via email. This update will cause disruption for these users (those without an ODDS subscription licence.) The audio recorded was in .m4a format and was designed for evaluation purposes only, hoping users would move to the ODDS subscription with the app. As the open audio format .m4a should not be used for confidential or patient recordings it has been removed. From v2.0 all users of the app will be required to send their audio through ODDS and .m4a will no longer be an audio format option.

What is Olympus ODDS?

ODDS, short for Olympus Dictation Delivery Service, is a cloud platform (annual subscription) which enables the delivery of recorded audio from your smartphone using the Olympus Dictation App.
It ensures the delivery in two parts:

  1. Conversion of the recorded audio to a user-specified audio format, options being .dss or .ds2 (DSS Pro) – a worldwide standard.
  2. Delivery of the audio file to a user-specified destination, either via email to email address(es) or via secure FTP to a company or Voice Power NZ Ltd FTP server.
Olympus Dictation App ODDS Subscription Licence Singapore

Although the app can still send audio via email, it will no longer do so without a subscription to ODDS (Olympus Dictation Delivery Service).
To use ODDS each user requires a licence. ODDS uses the .ds2 (DSS Pro) audio format which enables encryption of audio files. Without the password, nobody will be able to play or listen to the audio.

An essential additional security measure for legal, government and medical users of the digital dictation systems from Olympus.

Moving to ODDS with a 60 day trial

So, if you have been using the free version of the app and have recently upgraded to v2 you will see this:

  • Please register for an ODDS trial. During the trial period, you will be able to test the full functionality of the service. After your 60-day trial, you will be required to purchase an annual licence in order to continue using the ODDS
NZ Olympus Dictation App ODDS Trial New Zealand
Olympus ODDS Dictation Portal New User Registration

Trial licences run for 60 days. At the end of the trial you have the option to dicard, keep some or all of your trial licences. You will just need to buy the required number of ODDS licences which costs $156 exc GST.

Need some Olympus ODDS Configuration Help?

The licences themselves are managed via the Olympus web portal – www.dictation-portal.com – and from this portal a user (with one or with many licences) can manage individual ODDS licence configuration. annual renewal and re-assignment to new smart-phones / devices.
The configuration includes who to send the audio files to, how to send the audio (by email or FTP transfer), the audio format (.ds2 or .dss), audio encryption settings (password and 128 or 256 bit), worktypes and author ID’s.
It can be confusing, but help is at hand with Voice Power NZ Ltd Dealer Management. Contact us on 0508 4372466 to hear more.


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