Product Discontinuation Notice:

Dragon NaturallySpeaking Premium

Nuance Communications is updating its line of Dragon Professional and Consumer desktop speech recognition solutions with a simplified selection to better meet the needs of home-based consumers, professional individuals, and enterprise customers.

With the new, simplified configuration of Dragon desktop solutions, Dragon Premium 13 will be discontinued and withdrawn from the market effective September 1, 2018. Final orders will be accepted on August 30, 2018.

Customers who have purchased Dragon Premium 13 own a perpetual license to the solution and may continue using it. However, Nuance will no longer provide support or updates for the solution after January 1, 2019. Additionally, patches or upgrades that individual consumers or organizations apply to computers running these solutions (e.g. operating system patches) could potentially cause the solutions to stop functioning or function in an unintended manner.

Nuance is committed to its customers and continues to provide options to meet the needs of consumer, professional individuals and enterprise users of Dragon speech recognition solutions. We will continue to support consumer-grade Dragon software with the introduction of the all-new Dragon Home version 15, while also providing professional users with vertical specific group and individual software packages including Dragon Professional Individual version 15, Dragon Legal Individual, version 15, Dragon Professional Group version 15, Dragon Legal Group version 15 and Dragon Law Enforcement

Nuance’s Dragon portfolio is the world’s leading speech recognition and documentation solution. Dragon continues to expand its reach across enterprise, legal and law enforcement markets, transforming productivity and documentation accuracy for professional individuals and large organizations.


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