We invite you and your team to join the Voice Power team and leading lawyers, in-house counsel, technologists and innovators from the following organisations at LawFestLive on Wednesday 5 August. 

Attending LawFestLive will give you insight into the strategies leading law firms and in-house counsel are adopting as we emerge from COVID-19 (and the lessons learned along the way) and the latest thinking on legal innovation and legal tech.

Individual tickets are excellent value at just $195 (ex GST) for 3+ CPD hours and include six months access to every session on demand.

LawFestLive attending organisations include…
  2degrees, Airways New Zealand, Allen Needham & Co, Anderson Lloyd, ASCO Legal, Aspiring Law, Auckland Council, Auckland University, AWS Legal, Bishopdale law, Cavell Leitch, Coca Cola Amatil, Coleman Greig, College of Law, Commerce Commission, Emma Stanley Law, Foodstuffs, Gibson Sheat Lawyers, Gilbert + Tobin, Gilbert Walker, Govett Quilliam, Horrocks Hampton Lawyers, icebreaker, IOOF Holdings, Jarden Group, Juno, Kemps Weir, Kiwibank, Knapps Lawyers, Land Information New Zealand,  LawLink, MBIE, Ministry of Social Development, McCaw Lewis Lawyers, McHardy Parbery Lawyers, MinterEllisonRuddWatts, NBR, NZLaw, Portia, Russell McVeagh, Searl Street Consulting, Seequent, Sharp Tudhope, Spark New Zealand, The Law Shop Limited, The Warehouse Group Limited, Tompkins Wake, Ultrafast Fibre, University of Auckland, University of New England (AU), Vista Group International, Westpac, WilanLaw, Wynn Williams...+ MORE!    


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