Olympus Dictation Management System R7.4.3 now available
20 June 2022
This update includes the following fixes and improvements:
Now supported: Windows 11 and Windows Server2022, Office 2021, and Azure Virtual Desktop.
Specification change: Updated the description for Gmail and Yahoo mail settings.
Bugs fix:
Fixed an issue that the Author ID was not correctly assigned to the dictation file that was created using the conference recording function with encryption setting enabled.
This update also includes the various fixes and improvements.
This update available as:
ODMS R7.4.3 Web Downloader (DM/TM License)
ODMS R7 Standalone FULL DOWNLOAD v1.4.3 (DM/TM License)
ODMS R7 Workgroup Launcher v1.4.3 (Volume License users using SCP)
Also available via the Help / Check for Updates in the Transcription Module and Dictation Module: